Lightheart Enterprises, Inc.

You have arrived here because you were looking for Life Energy Intelligence Jeans (aka l.e.i. Jeans). Back in 1997 we initially provided a link to a store that sold l.e.i. jeans made by RSV Sport. We did this because we would get a few emails now and then asking where to buy jeans. We had never heard of the brand before. After some time, we received an email from RSV Sport thanking us for providing a link to the store, but could we provide a link to their website which was going to be launched soon. We agreed to do so. We requested a logo for the link and their art director provided us with one. We had to format the logo so it would be in a suitable format for the web link. We exchanged a number of emails with RSV Sport during the time period before the launch of their website and a few weeks after the launch. We also never asked for any money to provide the link and didn't intend to. We provided the free link for many years.

Back in 1997 Google was just starting out and wasn't well known. Neither was l.e.i. Jeans. But times have changed. Google is where many people go to when searching on the internet. So do what we do, use google to find what you are looking for. You will find it.

Copyright © 1997-2011 Lightheart Enterprises, Intl.